Interstellar Harmony

  • Astrology Readings

    Gain personalized insights, clarity, and guidance as the cosmic energies align to illuminate your unique journey. Book an astrology reading to bring light to life’s unlit paths.

    In-person and virtual options.

  • Tarot + Oracle Readings

    Book a transformative tarot or oracle card reading to communicate with your subconscious and make new neural pathways by sitting with the energy of the cards.

    In-person and virtual options.

  • Crystal Sound Baths

    Let the healing frequencies wash over you, promoting deep relaxation and chakra alignment. Our expert practitioners guide you through a harmonious journey, rejuvenating mind, body, and spirit.

    In-person only.

  • Events

    Elevate your next event with unique, in-person bookings that promise an unforgettable blend of magic and intrigue. From captivating tarot experiences to group sound baths with guided meditation - add a touch of mysticism to make your gathering truly extraordinary.


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Prepare for the week ahead

In my weekly newsletter, I help you weave ancient wisdom from Hellenistic Astrology, guide you with tarot, share nurturing plant-based recipes, show you my tried & true herbal remedies, and help you nurture your connection with nature.

Looking to elevate your well-being and transcend to a state of cosmic balance? Subscribe to get your Cosmic Insights delivered right to your mailbox every Tuesday!

Click here to see the tarot and oracle cards I use in my personal and professional practice!

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